Newsletter #31: Opposition

Newsletter #31: sent!
(and archived if you missed it)

Doing: publishing a list of anti-surveillance and anti-censorship projects to support and donate to; listening to and learning from the history of the Black Panthers in Oakland; discovering activist libraries and bookstores in London.

Linking to: digital redlining, spies on Tinder, protest, treason, the revolutionary life of Lucy Parsons, a beauty guide to fight fascism, Nicole Milfie, Princess Nokia, Ms Roboto, Rihanna.

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Anti-surveillance and anti-censorship projects to support and donate to

Browsing the internet, sending an email, texting, making a call, reading the news – these are actions that many people around the world want and need to do every day. Depending on the society we live in, and what our demographics represent to the entities exercising legislative or economical power on it, these tasks can seem mundane, be potentially harmful, or made impossible.

screen-shot-2016-11-15-at-12-46-00Protesters documenting a #BlackLivesMatter demonstration. From How women are leading the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Text and picture by Jihan Hafiz. Aljazeera America.

Continue reading Anti-surveillance and anti-censorship projects to support and donate to

Newsletter #29: Locked Up

Newsletter #29: sent!
(and archived if you missed it)

Linking to: law enforcement agencies chasing spies, recruiting spies, asking companies to spy on you; the Thirteenth Amendment on screen; prisoners on strike; Tupac Shakur against wealth inequality, Mykki Blanco reciting Zoe Leonard’s “I Want A Dyke For President”; Angela Davis, Henry Rollins and Princess Nokia.

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Newsletter #27: On Strike

Newsletter #27: sent!
(and archived if you missed it)

Doing: seeing a protest on a stage, political resistance in a choreography, Planet Earth from a skyscraper; learning stories of resistance; reading history repeating.

Links-wise: reporting from a prison, being on strike in dozens of prisons, learning how to support a movement, making algorithms accountable, saving a computer virus, listening to bell hooks and Lil’ Kim chatting, living in the Lipstick City.

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Newsletter #26: Resistance

Newsletter #26: sent!
(and archived if you missed it)

Doing: publishing a piece about targeted surveillance and technology for resistance and working from Detroit.

Links-wise: biased machines, privacy and dating apps, surveillance and reproductive rights, security for nude selfies, queer indigenous rap, Latinx tunes, RuPaul, Blac Chyna.

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Targeted surveillance, overpolicing and technology for resistance

On the upgrades of centuries-old systems of oppression and present-day tools to fight back

Yemeni women during a rally commemorating the fifth anniversary of the 2011 Arab Spring uprising. Taez, February 2016. AFP / Ahmad Al-Basha.

Globally, law enforcement agencies are adopting increasingly sophisticated surveillance technologies to employ predictive policing and monitor already overpoliced communities and demographics. Prevalent grounds for discriminatory conduct are race, class, citizenship, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation.

We hear from the news about phone interceptions, seized devices, hacked accounts. But most often, the civil society is provided with small to no information about how far these monitoring activities go.

How is technology employed to control targeted groups? And how can technology support who’s controlled to reclaim and protect their rights?

Continue reading Targeted surveillance, overpolicing and technology for resistance